Vitamin A Overdose Fear

Any adverse effects of replacement vitamin C will be discuseed here. Topics include kidney stones, gall stones, oxidation, etc.
We plan to move good discussions from the General Topics forum here for posterity.

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Vitamin A Overdose Fear

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:45 am

From the email

I've been taking HeartTech prophylactically for a year or so. BUT I have one large concern now that I\'ve done more research. I see on your website here a testimonial of one woman taking fish oil capsules plus a double-dose (at least) of Heart Tech.

I've been doing the same (except I take cod liver oil in liquid form, not capsule and only do 2t's of HeartTech daily). I've read in a medical journal that it's a BAD practice to take more than 10,000 units of Vita A because the body stores it. So combining fish oil and Heart Tech, particularly in the dosages this testimonial suggests, is dangerous! I really, really think you have to direct your customers about this overdosage possibility and suggest either Cardio-C to persons who prefer their Vita A in a more natural form --fish oil. I came online today to see if I could ind HeartTech w/out the add'l suppl (w/just the Proline, Lysine). Fortunately I see Cardio-C but you really shouldn't have this testimonial describing what I believe is an overdosage of vita A! Thx. C. K.

Dear C. K.,

This is a great question, however, your informaiton about vitamin A is wrong, no matter what medical journal you may have read it in. The public has been lied to about vitamin A. The medical doctors and the dieticians are trained wrong. The major reference for this assertion is the 1996 book VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY by Alfred Sommer, Keith West, et. al, Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19-508824-7.

If you really want to learn about vitamin A and read an authoritiative book, this is it.

The reason the liver stores this important vitamin is so it can release vitamin A into the blood stream during periods of low intake. If it could not do that, you would die during periods of vitamin A shortage- after you first went blind.

Linus Pauling in his 1986 book entitled HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER recommended between 20,000 iu and 40,000 iu of vitamin A daily. The upper daily limit may vary among individuals, but it is probably well above 80,000 iu per day, and NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM A VITAMIN A OVERDOSE (Reference ... html#DAVIS ),

If one begins to experience any "toxic" effects, they may simply cut back, and any ill effects go away. Vitamin A "toxicity" is not like prescription drug toxicity - which can kill you.

We trust Linus Pauling and Roger J. Williams. Over the years we have followed many of these so-called studies that blame vitamin A for "birth defects" or "bone dimineralization", etc.. These studies are bogus. (Vitamin A, works with vitamin D and vitamin K for instance. Its function seems to be to clean out old bone for new bone to grow. If a study focuses on part of the bone rebuilding process, the idiots can conclude that vitamin A is bad for bones.)

Some people experience benefits with HeartTechnology that we don't see with people taking the other major ingredients separately. I think the vitamin A may explain the HT success.

p.s. As the discussions at this forum have pointed out, there may be an issue with certain brands of "cod liver oil." T hese products may cloud the issue, and it is reported here that certain brands may cause problems, probably due to impurities.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Post by ofonorow » Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:03 am

Her follow-up..
Ok, this is TOO hot, Owen -- thanks so, so much for this info. first, my source altho a prominent MD and someone being "studied" (informally, on the side) by md's getting board certified in anti-aging, was somewhat suspect. He had recommendations and information in other areas about which I know more than I do Vita A and he was not well up to date in those areas. I thought that maybe Vita A was a cut and dry thing, especially the way he said it (of course).

But I trust the camp from which you come (and certainly Dr Pauling) far more than I do the trad'l camp. So, thanks so so much for this information and even more, for what it indicates about the level of expertise you have and what sources you rely upon.

I have a fuller vitamin regimen than just the HeartTech I've been taking and because I prefer to take supplements in their as-close-to-natural-form as possible, I've also been taking (for instance) liquid cod liver oil, hi-vita butter oil, nutritional yeast, etc (thinking those to be closer to nature-state than the ground up powdered form in Heart Tech). I do, however, take Amla C in powder form, so maybe there's no real difference.

At any rate, because of my erroneous info on Vita, I was trying to find the vita c + lysine + proline combination w/out any other vitamins/anti-oxidants. So I figured I'd switch to Cardio-C and then do my other supplementation as described above. My question to you is does this seem like a good approach or is it "6 of one, half a dozen of another"? It'd be easier for me to figure the dosages on the other supplements w/Cardi-C and that's worth something but I'm wondering if I'm missing anything in coming to this plan of Pauling/Cardi-C ingredients + 'more natural-form' supplements like fish oil for Vita A.

Thx again so much.

C. K., Esq

I'm not sure what you mean by too hot :shock:

I have no serious problem with more natural supplements, other than maybe the unnecessary expense. We tried to explain the targeted orthomolecular theory in this paper:

The problem with coming closer to nature can be that sometimes the nature of plants is to protect themselves from being eaten.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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