VITAMIN C CURES: Heart Disease

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by Miro » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:07 pm

I just felt like chiming in to let you know that I've made a 360 degrees turn on this issue. But it is precisely because I made a full circle that I will be able to defend the Vitamin C like nobody else before. That's my promise to you, as megalomaniac as it sounds (: Still, I won't be doing it any time soon but I will as soon as I feel like doing it. Right now, for anyone who wants to get a taste of it, I suggest reading Nietzsche's and Baudrillard's philosophy. It's a little tough to get one's head around these philosophers (especially Baudrillard's head who's borderline obscurantist) but it's worth a shot.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by Miro » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:00 pm

Here's a teaser: all illnesses and all cures are created subconsciously. What does that mean? I'll leave you to ponder the answer for a bit. But either one (or perhaps some or maybe all..) of these follow:

1. all cures are placebos
2. no cure is placebo
3. all cures start as placebo till they fully develop into non-placebo

Interesting, eh? You have no idea how fun this sh it is! And I absolutely do not give a f-ck about Vitamin C or alternative medicines or whatever haha. The thing is that we are all subconsciously at war with each other i.e. we all want a different future and the strongest person is the one who creates the future. And our futures generally feature illnesses and cures and different futures means different sets of illnesses and cures. So yeah, Linus Pauling created Vitamin C as a cure for heart disease. Vitamin C isn't just the way some mythical "objective" world works -- it's created by Linus Pauling. If you can take advantage of Nietzsche's and Baudrillard's philosophy you can easily quash quackbusters. Or you can wait for me.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by tjohnson_nb » Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:07 pm

Miro wrote:Here's a teaser: all illnesses and all cures are created subconsciously. What does that mean? I'll leave you to ponder the answer for a bit. But either one (or perhaps some or maybe all..) of these follow:

1. all cures are placebos
2. no cure is placebo
3. all cures start as placebo till they fully develop into non-placebo

'Always' and 'never' are two words you should always remember never to use. :D You should check out Science and Sanity by Korzybski.
'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by w6nrw » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:09 am

Wow . . . that is going back some 60 to 70 years!
Curiosity cures boredom, there aint no cure for curiosity . . .

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by tjohnson_nb » Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:35 pm

w6nrw wrote:Wow . . . that is going back some 60 to 70 years!

Yep. :D
'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by Miro » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:49 pm

That's because contradictions have absolutely nothing to do with logic (and this is a contradiction too, I'm afraid!) but first and foremost with feelings. To contradict (at least mentally, for the concept of contradiction can be extended to encompass even physical phenomena i.e. injection or lifting weights or even motion, as Engels did) is to feel confused/uncertain/insecure/insulted (yes, insults are "logical contradictions" too but they are banned contradictions!) Since contradictions are feelings and since feelings are relative (as opposed to "objective"..) it becomes clear that what is contradiction to one may not be contradiction to another. I mean, if I can't lift a 200 pounds barbell that does not mean someone else can't do it, right? But with barbells it's kind of easy to see for the "proof" is out there on YouTube. But with mere feelings which have to be oversimplified by a map that is made out of words which then has to be SIMULATED by the brain of the person who's inspecting them it's extremely hard. The weightlifter can easily demonstrate his strength but the philosopher can't.. especially if he's not making extremely intelligent, apocalyptic insults (which is what all future philosophers -- I can predict -- will do.) And that's exactly why it's hard for people to grasp the truth that there are no truths -- even when you explain it to them -- let alone that cure and placebo are one and the same.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by tjohnson_nb » Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:58 pm

To know is to know structure or events. Knowledge is like a map - if similar in structure to the territory it is useful. If not one can get hopelessly lost. Predictability introduces temporal structure (4-dimensional space-time) into structure. See Korzybski.
'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by Montmorency » Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:35 am

Very pleased to receive my copy today. I'd had to order it via, although I am in the UK, and was afraid it would take a long time to deliver. However, it seems to have been fulfilled by a UK distributor and arrived more quickly than some of my book orders, so I'm happy.

Looking forward to a volume 2 one day. :-)

Edit: Got my wires crossed: that one was via

I was confusing it with Richard Feinman's book which I ordered around the same time, and the paper version was only available on
(Nothing directly to do with vitamin C, but he seems to be a very smart guy and worth paying attention to).
Edit: That's Richard David Feinman ("the other"), the biochemist, rather than Richard Feynman the theoretical physicist.

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:31 am

Thank you very much again folks!

I am so happy I found out about your website and your amazing products. You have no idea how long I have been looking around for the right powder vitamin c.

Many thanks and keep well!

The Book by itself is worth every penny. Just love it. Lots of 'aha' moments while reading it.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by Joanna45 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:06 pm

Of all the articles and books I have read on Vitamin C and heart disease including Linus Pauling and heart disease ..Practicing Medicine Without A License: Is the best book on the market for explaining Linus Pauling Research on vitamin C and Lysine for curing heart disease..

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Practicing Medicine Without A License ?

Post by ofonorow » Sun May 21, 2017 5:39 am

Of all the articles and books I have read on Vitamin C and heart disease including Linus Pauling and heart disease ..Practicing Medicine Without A License: Is the best book on the market for explaining Linus Pauling Research on vitamin C and Lysine for curing heart disease..

Thank you very much Joanns45.

We are about to change the name of the book (the inside will remain the same) as the news about the "simple" cure for heart disease breaks the way of Dr. Marik's sepsis cure.

People will ask their doctors. There hasn't been one study, so where will the hundreds of thousands of cardiologists learn :)

Not to mention 7 billion people who might suddenly develop an interest.

In addition to this book, there is Dr Levy's Stop America's #1 Killer, and the Steve Hickey and Hiliary Roberts Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C.

And of course this forum .. (And a little birdie told me that there is an "old internet archive" where all versions of all web sites can be found.)

I used to cry over the lack of attention to Liuns Pauling and that no research had been published.

Now I am getting the feeling this is all part of a divinely inspired plan.

Earlier reviews

The most valuable book I have ever owned...

Mon Dec 6 10:42:05 CST 2010

Owen Fonorow;

The most valuable book I have ever owned is Practicing Medicine Without A license. Please let me know when I will be able to obtain a copy of the Handbook Volume 2. Thank you for you valuable time.

Sincerely Yours;

Gloria Goetze

September, 2011

Dear Owen Fonorow,

"I have been communicating with Sally Jewell for some time. I have not read a book that electrified me as much, and that answered questions that I had now been able to find answers to. I was mesmerized when your info clicked with what I had studied so hard before this. Owen, I have read volumes of books, newsletters, email entries from authentic and knowledgeable sources, etc. I belong to five libraries to find enough material. Since I do not listen to TV, I have the time to pursue other means of information. ( I have been in multi-media P.R., sales and advertising for 25 years, and I know what the media usually has to offer... I wrote a lot of the hype.)

Your writing is so easy to read, basic-like 2 plus 2 equals 4. I suggest that my students each read it for their own education and for their family and friends, especially if they have any heart problems.

By the way, I am deeply moved to be communicating with you. I am so impressed with the research you did to write such a book! It is indeed a breakthrough, not only for me but for many, many others.

Thank you,

Marna L'Amie

Mon Mar 10, 2008
"Congratulations on the book, it is terrific, well written, easy to read, and probably the best literary work on the subject since Pauling. In fact it brings together not only Pauling's teachings, but adds so much with the testimonials, and the information from other authors, such as Levy." -
William Decker (Founder, Tower Laboratories Corp)

Wed Mar 12 2008
"Owen, I just finished reading your book. Impressive. I think you got it all covered and presented in a very understandable manner. I look forward to Vol II - let me know if I can help - I might have some stories." - George Van Giesen, MD

Thu Mar 13 2008
"Hi Owen, What a super job you've done! I'll buy it as soon as you get the shop going on the website. And very many thanks for all your flattery." - Sydney Bush, UK

Mar 16 2008
"Owen, Got the book..........excellent..............I'll be waiting to see you on Oprah and I am not kidding.
Barry E." - Illinois

Fri Jul 4 CDT 2008
"Hi Owen,I received your book from Sally Jewell. What an eye opener, I pray that people will get there hands on it. You are helping a lot of people and your rewards will be great. I loved the testimonies in the book,I read them over and over.

The book on the whole, is outstanding!

Hi Owen, Just want you to know that I finished your book and wrote a review which has been published on Amazon. It's a rather comprehensive and very positive 5-star review, although I did make one criticism. I'm emailing you in fairness in case you or your associates might want to comment below my review in defense of the criticism. However (as I indicated in the review) the information you provided about lipoprotein(a) is exceptionally helpful, and that alone is worth more than the price of the book.

The book on the whole, is outstanding!

With appreciation,
Fred Pauser (aka purposefirst)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Elisa Maza
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Re: VITAMIN C CURES: Heart Disease (Formerly Practicing Medicine Without A License ?)

Post by Elisa Maza » Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:18 am

Hello! I'm new here. I have never read about this treatment for heart disease and I have a question: is it only for diseases caused by cholesterol, or for all heart diseases? My problem is that, apparently, my heart is too big. This causes me that if I stand for a long time the blood does not reach my head, and I faint. Would taking vitamin C with lysine help me?

Lemon Planet
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Re: VITAMIN C CURES: Heart Disease (Formerly Practicing Medicine Without A License ?)

Post by Lemon Planet » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:02 am

Be sure to read the book.

Fainting can be caused by low blood pressure to the brain. Some people have restricted blood flow to the brain caused by plaque so that is one of my reasons for taking Vitamin C with Lysine.

High blood pressure can cause an enlarged heart. The vitamin C will dilate the capillaries allowing the heart to relax and also strengthens the arteries to resist the high blood pressure. That is another reason for my taking Vitamin C with Lysine.

The Lysine combines with the cholesterol to prevent plaque and even removes plaque as proved my Linus. The plaque helps seal the arteries when they are weak so both Vitamin C and Lysine must be taken together. The chemistry of collagen and cholesterol is the reason.

I have been taking large amounts of Vitamin C with Lysine for many years and feel much better. The worst that can happen is nothing at all.

EDIT: Here is a discussion:

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