Report after first-time use of China-Free Liposomal C

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Report after first-time use of China-Free Liposomal C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:12 am

This person stopped in our store Friday (Aug 15 2014), with a severe infection in the mouth after dental work. This is his first report after the first dose of our new China-Free Liposomal Vitamin C. (I am checking whether we can use his name.)

He will allow us to use his name. (Thank you Ralph). He is our old friend, and vitamin expert, Ralph Lotz. Ralph now spends most of his time these days caring for his elderly mother 24/7.

I went for the oral procedure which involve de-breeding the socket and scraping the jaw bone of infected fibrous tissue that had developed where I had a wisdom tooth extracted July 1.

I am on a high dose of AMOX-CLAV which began working after I took the first pill, thank God!
I have NORCO for pain, which has worked fairly well in the past.

My interest in using the lypo-C was 3 fold: Kill the bugs, rebuild the damage and kill the pain.

I decided to try your (new China-free) product, so I drew up 4 syringes total. Most went down the throat, but some went on and under the tongue. By the time I got to the 3rd syringe, the residual pain began to subside almost totally. Now after 20 minutes the pain is gone. I had taken the NORCO too, but it only takes the edge off and has never totally eliminated my pain from oraI surgery.

I took your lypo at 10:40 PM. How often should I take this stuff?

Should I take any ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate also and if so how much?

Ralph Lotz

Thank you for this fantastic report. I am not completely surprised by the rapidity of the effect. My brother is surviving infected root canals/cavitations solely by taking our new China-free liposomal. In fact, he was one of the ways we "beta tested" to make sure it was effective. (While we believe it is roughly equivalent clinically to Lypo-C, judging from my brother's case. He just likes our taste better and squirts it directly into his mouth too.)

We usually recommend the 5 gram at one time dosage - daily for 10 days. (Like an antibiotic, you don't want the hard to kill bugs to start having children)

If people can afford it - doing this twice per day (for 10 days) would be like having two 50 g sodium ascorbate iV/Cs daily!

In the case of the neighbor lady cat bite - infection in knee replacement cleared in 10 days - she was on the 5 gram at one time Lypo-C dosage, and she also took about 10 g of sodium ascorbate (nonacidic vitamin C powder) daily, which I think is a very good idea.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Report affter first use of new China-Free Lipo

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:10 pm

More from Ralph Lotz

You may use my infamous handle!

I took your lipo as described plus 2 scoops of (Tower) A-9 and 2 grams of ascorbic acid powder dissolved in water. I then followed with very low carbohydrates for rest of day. No sugar and only 20 - 30 grams of carbs total. So that would be lypo plus additional 5 grams ascorbic acid and A-9 factors. But let me be claear. I got the pain killing effect within 3 to 5 minutes before finishing taking all 4 syringes. I have had this kind of oral surgery twice before and NOCOR never has killed the pain completely. The new liposomal knocked out residual pain as described. You know I have been using ascorbic acid for nearly 45 years and never experienced anything like this.

As an aside. I am studying ketogenic lifestyle to determine how GLUT and SVC ascorbate transporters behave when glucose levels drop to < 70 or so. My belief is that embarking on ascorbate therapy should eliminate carbohydrates to under 20 grams per day. I think results would be astronomical in every way! I am remembering Ely and Glucose Antagonism.

About 12 hours later I used Livon Product. Same A-9 and ascorbic acid. I did not get the same response as quickly and when I woke up there was some pain and swelling. But still amazingly well since surgery was <2 days ago. No NORCO required since 4 a.m. yesterday.

Today I plan to use your product, 5 grams load plus 5 grams combo of 2 scoops A-9 and 2 grams ascorbic acid. Although I am a huge fan of sodium ascorbate as a daily supplement, I always fall back to ascorbic acid when the heavy artillery is needed per Cathcart.

Have you noticed whether Lypo increases bowel tolerance of ascorbic acid ingestion?
That would be another "proof" of efficacy would it not?
Thanks again. We must not be out of touch.

I have learned much about epigenetics and now am really getting serious about calorie restriction and ketogenics. Also I saw a recent lecture by Bruce Ames, one of my favorite geniuses. If only he recommended potencies higher than for hamsters!

He is the guy who says folate deficiency causes more chromosome damage than radiation and pesticides. Talk about the elephant in the living room. More later. You can count on it!

Old FRIEND Ralph Lotz
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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