Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Post by CPlus » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:11 am

So, do I take it that no-one has experienced anything like this when trying to titrate to bowel tolerance? I find that amazing. I have to say, because of my experiences I tend to agree with Hickey and Roberts, who said that it was probably not worth the effort trying to titrate to bowel tolerance just for a cold.


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Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:51 am

CPlus wrote:So, do I take it that no-one has experienced anything like this when trying to titrate to bowel tolerance? I find that amazing. I have to say, because of my experiences I tend to agree with Hickey and Roberts, who said that it was probably not worth the effort trying to titrate to bowel tolerance just for a cold.


In which book did they say this? I don't remember this comment.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by CPlus » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:12 am

In 'Ascorbate, the Science of Vitamin C', page 176, under the heading of Importance of Dose. They said 'To quench the symptoms of an established cold, the recommended treatment is titration to bowel tolerance, which may involve up to 100 grams a day. This is quite challenging and for a cold, the effort may often not be worth the relief provided.'

I have to agree, I have found it challenging. I keep trying, but with the rather uncomfortable results that I mentioned, I may give up next time I have a cold. However, it isn't all doom and gloom. Since I started taking more vitamin C (I probably average 5 grams a day normally) my colds have been much shorter and with fewer long term effects.


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Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:19 am

The key word in that quote is "established". And we would agree that it can be daunting to put out the free radical fire of an established cold. However, our protocol of 8 g every 20 minutes for 2 to 3 hours will often (if not always) stop a cold dead in its tracks if caught within the first 30 minutes to an hour. That is roughly 24 g per hour or 48 to 72 total grams, and rarely do you achieve bowel tolerance, at least in the first 2 hours.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by CPlus » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:00 am

Very good point, I hadn't noticed the significance of the word 'established', thank you. However, being sure you have a cold within 30 minutes to an hour AND being in a position to start taking 8g every 20 minutes is still a tall order (for example, while at work). I will try harder next time to jump on the cold promptly and see what happens. I have tried the 'sure-fire remedy' of ascorbic acid solution nasally, but I found it to be eye-wateringly painful!

I suppose you have no ideas about my problem of titration threshold varying wildly with food intake?



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No, but

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:24 am

No. But knowing you react this way, you'll just have to plan for it.

Re: colds

The colds that seem to be starting recently for me happen at night, in bed, when the nose begins running like water. It is a pain to get out of bed every 20 minutes, but the effect is worth it.

Last time, (a few weeks ago) when this began, I got lazy and cut down to 5 g every hour - for 3 hours. The entire cold was mild and only lasted 24 hours. But because the reduced protocol did not extinguish it, next time it will be back to the 8 g every 20 minutes.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Recent Daily High of 50 Grams

Post by ascorbicjoe » Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:16 am

I felt a cold or something coming on. I had sinus pressure, so I kept taking AA until the symptoms went away. As they came back I upped the dose. I did 50 grams in a day without any loose stools. I probably could have taken more, but the next day the cold or whatever was gone, so i dropped back to my 20 gram a day level.

marian motupalli

Largest dose of Vitamin C in 24 hours.

Post by marian motupalli » Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:40 pm

Hi, the largest dose of vitamin c I have taken has been 245grams in 30 hours via IV and oral. Felt fine. I get tinnitus when I have taken IVSA 75 grams in 100 minutes but this is the only side effect. If I slow the drip down there is absolutely no side effects.

So far feel fine!! Marian. OvCA 3C


Lots during Hayfever season and a spider bite

Post by teester » Thu May 17, 2007 8:59 pm

41 the other day for hay fever symptoms. Usually <10/day which is close to tolerance in other than spring allergy season. However after a spider bite last summer I took about 35-40 in a 24hr period.

Funny thing, while in the yard working the next day and still taking C for the bite, I learned that fire ant bites don't sting, swell or itch either. Initially I thought something was wrong with the ant as I watched it biting me but I couldn't feel a thing! I was bitten twice by the fire ants. All I noticed was the feeling of something crawling on my skin!

As a result of that I keep a bottle of C in my vehicles at all times for insect bites. I just wonder how well it would work from something like a recluse or black widow bite or even a poisonous snake bite.


Post by UK_Vit_C » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:55 am

In a 24 hour period I took up to 175 grams during a very bad cold with no diarrhea whatsoever. Then after a day or so I cut down as diarrhea came. The symptoms were vastly reduced. But this was when I was not taking daily doses of vitamin C.

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Re: Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

Post by BIOHazard87 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:13 am

Most I've been able to take is 40g with a cold.
Owen wrote:Well, Your doctor learns what he thinks he knows from drug companies.

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Re: Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

Post by carlp » Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:08 pm

The most I took was 105 grams in 24 hrs when my asthma flared up and battling a cold.



Post by malcolan » Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:51 pm

rizwanuk wrote:I have found that Bacterial infections go away with the combination of following:

1) Vitamin C to bowel tolerence
2) Lactoferrin 100mg 5 times a day
3) Echinesia and Goldenseal a dose every 2 hours
4) Garlic
5) Olive Leaf extract

Anytime antibiotics are required, we use colloidal silver. For internal use, it's best to use a true colloid, not an ionic solution (better absorption through the digestive system). We use an ionic silver solution as a nasal spray or externally with good results. Last time my 8 month old son had an ear infection, we used 3 drops of colloidal silver in his ear, 3 times a day for 2 days. On the third day, we took him back to the doctor and the ear infection was gone.

So far, by using either Vitamin C or Colloidal silver, our kids have never had to have an antibiotic (granted, our oldest is going on three, but so far so good).

To stay on topic, the most C I have ingested is 50 grams in 24 hours.

Red dust
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Re: Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

Post by Red dust » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:50 am

I took 8 gram every 20 min for 4 hours then 5 gram every 4 hours = around 120 gram in 24 hours, nothing to recommend if you have to be in a conference e.t.c.........

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